What is posture care management? 

"Posture care management is about protecting body shape, preventing body shape distortions from happening and preserving body shape. It considers the full 24 hours of the day (lying, sitting, standing), how gravity is affecting the body's ability to move and function and the required support to optimise engagement, comfort, ease of movement and independence.


It considers the bed, a wheelchair, an armchair, bathing equipment, kitchen seating and walking or standing aids. It also considers the environment it will be used within and how easy it is to be used."

For a postural assessment or training enquiry, contact us now

Why is posture care management important?

A good posture can be considered our position where our body alignment is such that it allows us to move easily and effortlessly against gravity. We don't have to think about it - movement is free and easy, we can breathe without effort and can do the tasks we wish to do. For persons with disabilities and postural changes, it can be difficult to engage in the things they wish to do because of weakness, changes in the skeletal alignment, or an existing medical condition.

Persons with postural asymmetry or immobility often require reinforcing support against gravity - in order to allow them to participate in their chosen activities - and therapeutic intervention to help preserve and protect the body from further changes that might occur impacting on function and quality of life. 

Ultimately we want to prevent the following risk factors that people with immobility and postural changes may face:  

  • pressure ulcers and skin breakdown,
  • pain,
  • fatigue,
  • impaired vital functions (breathing, digestion, heart function)
  • effort,
  • body shape distortions.

Posture care management considers how we can support the body against gravity, as well as how we can use gravity as a friend to be a therapeutic tool over the course of the day.

It is VITAL that we match equipment to the person. Failure to do so creates problems and adversely impacts on our posture and body shapes.

Did you know ...?


Poor posture causes pain and discomfort. It can stop us from doing what we enjoy, what we love. Persons with disabilities require assessment and support with posture to enable them to continue to be as independent as possible, without further (unnecessary) complications.

Approximately 70% of adults over the age of 60 will develop a scoliosis.

There is an unnecessary stigma associated with the use of mobility aids - these can enhance balance, mobility and independence whilst also preserving posture.

Individuals with progressive neuromuscular conditions require frequent review of wheelchairs because of changes in their musculoskeletal system and their control of body posture. 

Lying informs sitting position - the position we adopt in bed is often seen in sitting, therefore lying requires as much consideration, if not more so, than sitting and standing.

We can use postural care interventions to preserve body shape and work towards restoring body shape. 


It takes a village


Posture care management requires collaboration and education. People may not even realise the impact of poor positioning on the body. 

Body shape distortions can have real consequences:

  • skin breakdown
  • difficulties with breathing
  • difficulties with swallowing or digestion
  • difficulties with cardiovascular function.

Posture Care Management Training


Bridget has extensive experience working across the world and offers bespoke training to professionals and carers relating to postural assessment, biomechanics, and how the assessment guides technology selection. 


Enquire about our training packages

What do people say?

"Bridget is a very professional and accomplished Occupational Therapist, I have witnessed firsthand the way in which Bridget diligently assesses individual situations so that she structures her approach to engage with those around her in a manner that reflects the situation."

"Bridget always conducts herself in such a way that her vast level of knowledge does not consume the situation and she is mindful to ensure engagement from all parties."

"It was an awesome afternoon of learning!"

What matters to you and your caregivers, matters to me.

It is important that goals are set together in order for success to be attainable and interventions are acceptable to be incorporated within your daily routine.

Posture assessment and rehabilitation requires a person-centred approach and education. This is key to ensuring any assistive technology (products) match the person and their needs.

SPOTlights:  Posture Care Management Special Interest Group (PCMSIG) - Join Us Now!

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